El universo es energía.  Desde la ley de gravedad hasta la luz que recibimos de sol todo está compuesto por energía. Nuestro propio microuniverso, el cuerpo, tiene su mapa de los principales centros energéticos.

Los chakras son esos puntos que te explicaremos a continuación.

Los chakras representan el ciclo de la vida, el inicio y el fin del todo, como la misma traducción de esta palabra proveniente del sánscrito lo define: chakra = rueda.

Estos puntos, más allá de lo que cualquiera puede creer son de vital importancia para el desarrollo de nuestra vida física y espiritual ya que es una especie de guía invisible para buscar nuestro camino en la vida.

Son 7 puntos energéticos que representan nuestras virtudes y cómo debemos trabajar en ellas para ser mejores personas y lograr equilibrio emocional, físico y mental. Son la clave para muchos de nuestras interrogantes y el camino a la paz.

En el siguiente dibujo puedes observar como es la distribución interna de los chakras. Cada punto tiene una función y un mensaje que transmitirnos, orientados principalmente a explorar nuestras virtudes y superar nuestros defectos.

Los chakras tienen su nombre original en sanscrito como se puede ver a continuación:

Primer chakra: Muladhara.

Segundo chakra: Swadhisthana.

Tercer chakra: Manipura.

Cuarto chakra: Anahata.

Quinto chakra: Vishuda.

Sexto chakra: Ajna.

Septimo chakra: Sahasrara.

Cada uno de estos ser explicado en artículos futuros para mejor comprensión, ya que poseen significados en relación a colores, mándalas y mantras que los describen y ayudan en su comprensión.

Si bien el estudio y superación en este ámbito es un proceso largo, no debemos perder la paciencia, sino más bien concentrarnos en trabajar día a día en el desarrollo de nuestras virtudes.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient form of hands on healing which helps balance and strengthen the body’s natural healing abilities, while creating deep relaxation , and a sense of calm and peacefulness.

As Marion, Dublin, describes her «inspirational experience of Reiki»

«My experience with Reiki is very positive. From a sensational tingling of the energy flow to waves of energy rolling up and down, a very relaxing and most enjoyable treatment, that also has stimulated my energy centres and pulled loose some blockages»

Feel the stress and tension of your daily life melt away as you relax and benefit from the healing power of Reiki.

Reiki is a non-invasive technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes deep physical and emotional healing. It involves the laying on of hands by the Reiki practitioner in a series of hand positions that span the whole body, while concentrating on our seven main chakras.

Reiki is a Japanese word:

Rei: meaning knowledge or spiritual consciousness. This is the wisdom that comes from God or the higher self. This universal energy knows the cause of all problems and how to heal them.


Ki: Life force, the non physical energy that animates all living things.

Therefore Reiki is spiritually guided Life Force Energy.

What is Life Force Energy?

Everything in the universe is energy. «Sounds, words, shapes, thoughts and emotions are all energy» (Wilma Ferguson, Reiki Master)

Life Force Energy is the life giving energy that flows in and around our body, and in our seven main chakras, the centres of Life Force Energy.

  • We are alive because Life Force Energy is flowing through us through our energy pathways – meridians and chakras. It flows in our aura – the energy field which surrounds our body.Life Force Energy nourishes our organs and cells, supporting them in their functions.
  • When Life Force Energy is flowing freely it helps maintain health and vitality and a sense of well being. When the flow of Life Force Energy is disrupted, weakened or blocked this results in diminished function of the organs and cells and we are more prone to illness, stress and depression.

Life Force Energy is responsive to thoughts and feelings.

  • Negative thoughts and feelings which arise from situations of emotional and or physical trauma, toxicity, nutritional depletion, stress, anxiety, lack of self love, unhealthy lifestyle or relationships all have the effect of disrupting the flow of Life Force Energy. As the negative thoughts and feelings disrupt the flow, Life Force Energy can become stagnant and blocked and remains in the aura as dense energy.
  • This further blocks the flow and compounds the causes of the blockage, contributing to the build up of stress, lethargy, illness, depression and physical ailments.Reiki heals by flowing through the aura and flowing through the affected areas, charging them with positive energy.
  • In this way the negative energy is cleared, thus restoring the free flow of Life Force Energy. Clients often comment that they feel lighter and refreshed after a treatment. I have seen clients come in looking tired, but leaving with a brighter complexion and clearer eyes.

Reiki healing balances and strengthens the body’s natural energy and promotes the body’s ability to heal itself, and seeks to restore the body’s vital energy which has become unbalanced.


History of Reiki

It is believed that Reiki was originally discovered in Tibet several thousand years ago when seers studied energies and developed a system of sounds and symbols for healing energies. Many healing systems spanning many cultures emerged from this single root system; however the original source was forgotten.

Dr Mikao Usui (1865 – 1926) is accredited with the re-discovery of this root system in the 1800’s.

Dr Usui was a Japanese Christian educator who was born on the 15th August in the Yamagate district of Gifiu prefecture Kyoto, Japan.

From a wealthy family as a child Usui studied in a Tendei Buddhist monastery school, and went on to study martial arts, medicine, psychology, fortune telling and theology of world religions, including the Kyoten (Buddhist Bible). Usui dedicated 21 years to the study of the healing phenomena of great spiritual healers. He also studied ancient Buddhist teachings and travelled to Western countries and China several times. Usui married Sadako and they had a son and a daughter.

Usui re-discovered the ancient sounds and symbols that are directly linked to the human body and nervous system which activate the universal Life Energy for healing.

While fasting and meditating for 21 days on a Mount Kurama near Kyoto Usui underwent a metaphysical experience wand he became empowered to use the sounds and symbols to heal. Usui called this form of healing Reiki and he taught it through-out Japan until his death in 1926.

In April 1922 Usui opened his first school in Harajutu in Tokyo. Usui had found that various ailments responded well to the healing techniques contained within his spiritual system.

Administering Reiki healing to the very poor, Dr Usui taught people how to heal themselves. As Usui was a skilled healer and teacher his fame spread very quickly throughout Japan and Usui initiated others (Reiki Grand Masters) in the tradition of Reiki.

Dr Churijo Hayashi

Dr Churijo Hayashi, a Christian and Naval doctor stressed physical healing and developed a fixed set of hand positions to be used in a treatment and which are still taught and used today.


Hawayo Takata

Reiki came to the West via Master Hawayo Takata , a Hawaiian woman of Japanese descent born in 1900. Mrs Takata had travelled to Japan for an operation to cure a debilitating illness that she was suffering from. While there she received Reiki healing and was so empowered by it she became initiated by Dr Hayashi.

Mrs Takata returned to Hawaii and opened a clinic in the 1970’s. Mrs Takata also initiated 22 Reiki Masters, and it is through these masters that Reiki has spread around the world.

What is an Initiation?

Usui enabled the Masters to enhance their access to the energy through initiations. An initiation by a Reiki Master attunes a person to their pre-existing ability to connect to Reiki.

People can decide for themselves to come for individual Reiki healing treatments or to fully commit to Reiki energies by becoming initiated in the 3 levels of Reiki, the third level being Reiki Master

Reiki Principles

Just for today I will not worry

Just for today I will not anger

Just for today I will do my work with integrity

Just for today I will treat all living things with kindness

Just for today I will live the attitude of gratitude

Just For Today……………

From my own experience, living even just the ‘attitude of gratitude’ can turn your day around, and help you find even one positive aspect to enable you to better deal with difficulties and challenges.


Usui called these principles «the secret methods of inviting happiness», «the spiritual medicine of many diseases» (David F Vennells, Reiki Mastery, 2005)

You don’t have to be a Reiki practitioner to say these principles, and you don’t have to say these principles to receive healing. If you choose to you can say these principles to yourself for a few days and see how your mindset and outlook improves.

Usui developed these principles and asked his students to recite them to themselves twice a day. In the city of Kyoto Usui would give Reiki healing to all who needed it, especially those living in the slums of the city. However Usui came to see people whom he had given Reiki to returning to the slums. Speaking with some of these people Usui realised that it was their negative mindset that kept them ill, and that people benefit from Reiki when they commit to the healing on all levels – Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. Usui developed the principles as a way for his students to maintain the right state of mind and body to be healing channels of Reiki.


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